Starting preschool can be an equally anxious time for tamariki and parents/caregivers. Please refer to this checklist to help remind you about managing a smooth transition for your child.
Starting at Little Owls

On Arrival
Please inform teachers of your child’s needs for the day such as food and sleep requirements, and how they are generally, including any illness they may have recently had. Please put food/bottles etc in the fridge in the kitchen with your child’s name on it.

Settling Children into Childcare
For some of you this may be the first time you have left your child in the care of someone other than family and friends. Settling visits may help your child feel happier and secure. This can be an anxious time for both of you, we have a settling in procedure that is designed to make this transition as easy as possible, just ask if you have any questions or concerns. We will ring you if your child does not settle.

What will Help my Child to Feel Settled?
Consistent and regular attendance with your child will help them become familiar and comfortable in the centre and with the teachers. Bring any comfort toys with your child that may help them to feel safe. Please feel free to check on your child, this helps to give you reassurance of the interactions and relationships they are forming and allows your child to settle into their day. Talk through any concerns you are having with the teachers we are happy to help with ideas and suggestions.

Saying Goodbye
Arriving slightly earlier to preschool is a great way to settle your child into their day. Please feel free to stay and play for a short time and offer your child some activities. When you are ready to leave please let a teacher know so they can support your child at goodbye time.
Parental/Whānau Involvement
Ways to be involved:
- Comment on the centre policies that we display.
- Assist with outings in our local community.
- Come join us for parent evenings and fish’n’chip nights.
- Share your special talents - do you enjoy gardening, baking, playing the guitar?
We really value your input and encourage you to be involved in your child’s learning journey at Little Owls.
Child Absences
Children who are very unwell will not cope well with the noise and attention of the other children and with the separation from you. If you are going to be away please ring or text and let us know. Please note absences will be charged for at the normal daily rate. We follow the guidelines given by the Ministry of Health and a guide to illness and infectious diseases poster is on the wall in the Nursery and Preschool bathrooms.
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